The Mair family

nature-, lama and alpaca lovers

Already in 1996 Walter and Sabine Mair started breeding lamas and alpacas and are accordingly the founders of the oldest and largest lama and alpaca breed in Italy. Their love of nature however is not only related to the lamas and alpacas from the Andes. When the farm “Kaserhof” was rebuilt in 2002, they could finally realize their idea of a natural and original agriculture. So today, the “Kaserhof” on Ritten is a piece of land well worth to visit: fields and meadows in their natural state, flocks of animals kept appropriately to the species and original sorts of fruit are only a few of the holiday farm’s gems.
Whether in the breeding station, the fruit and vegetable plantations or in the cohabitation of humans and animals, life close to the nature here means, the right balance between give and take.

Hofcafé open from July to November.

Opening hours:
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
from 13:00 to 20:00

Days off: Monday & Tuesday
The female lama and alpacas graze here with their up to seven month old coals. Because mother and foal have a lot of space and the danger of infection is much smaller, all foals are born in the open.
In the cozy farm parlor built in 1863 or on the gorgeous sun terrace we serve homemade South Tyrolean delicacies. We use – as far as possible – homegrown fruit and vegetables and meat from animals which were kept appropriately to the species on local farms.
The four apartments in mint condition and located in the main house convince with their comfortable atmosphere, spaciousness and their incomparable view over the Dolomites.
For our youngest guests nature is program, too. Accordingly, our natural playground only consists of natural materials. Sand, stones, a climbing tree and a shadowy willow-house offer room for young adventurers and the playful exploration of nature.
72 different herbs, some of them of rare kinds, traditional and almost forgotten sorts of apples and pears, just as plum and cherry trees prosper and flourish here. All produce grown in this garden, the crunchy salads just as fresh vegetables are used in our kitchen, whereas we preserve some of the harvest by conserving, fermenting or freezing it. In fall time we also put some of the vegetables in storage in our cellars so that we can live on our garden in the winter, too.
Our animals spend most of their time on the pastures in the open. During recovery or chilly nights they rest in the spacious stalls inside the stable buildings.
Our, at present 15 breeding stallions are taken on their pasture in the morning, too, where they can enjoy the vast space to romp around and are led back into the enclosures in the evening.
Our cattle and horses can stay all year long on their meadows. This mixed pasturing holds great advantages for the ground and the animals because horses and ruminant animals complement one another in their grazing behavior. As the grass is often strained by the hooves and the deep bite of the horses, the cattle goes considerably easier on its turf, which makes them busy and ground preserving landscapers.
Gallo Rosso - Agriturismo in montagnaVacanze rilassanti sul RenonVacanze Alto Adige, Renon
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